Candidates for Investiture must be people you believe will embrace the mission of the order and be willing to enthusiastically serve in the fulfillment of its mission. We encourage the nomination of worthy candidates who can bring energy, passion and vitality to the Order. Whenever appropriate, we encourage bringing married couples into the order together. As a sponsor, you will have an ongoing responsibility for mentoring and nurturing candidates you sponsor.
Candidates for membership in the Order must satisfy the following:
- Be active, practicing Catholics in good standing.
- Be of sufficient resources to assume the financial obligations of membership in the Order, including the annual oblation.
- Have a distinguished record of service to the Catholic Church, diocese, and parish.
- Be personally known to the sponsor.
- Accept and hold all that is proposed definitively by the Catholic Church regarding faith and morals and must be known by their acts, affiliations, and charity to give witness to their beliefs.
If a husband and wife are being nominated, please submit a separate form for each and detail the reason the individual is being nominated.
Priests and deacons can only be nominated by their Ordinary.
(see 2025 Clergy Nomination Form below to be completed by the clergy being nominated and signed by his sponsoring ordinary.)
Important Dates:
- 14 March 2025 – Deadline for all candidate applications
- June 2025 – Section Day of Formation
- 14 September 2025 – Exaltation of the Holy Cross & Day of Prayer
- 10 October 2025 – Investiture Weekend – Vigil & Promotion Service, NYC
- 11 October 2025 – Investiture Weekend – Investiture Ceremony & Mass, NYC
*Candidates for membership must participate in the Day of Formation & Exaltation of the Cross. Sponsors are also encouraged to attend with the candidate.
Please contact the office directly if you have any questions 212-371-1050 or email
STEP 1 Sponsor explains membership in the Order to the candidate as a distinct call to a life-long commitment of support for the Holy Land.
STEP 2 Candidate completes Application for Membership Form and obtains Certificate of Baptism, Certificate of Confirmation and for married candidates, a certificate of religious marriage recognized by the Catholic Church and provides a current Curriculum Vitae or Resume. Request a Pastor Endorsement letter from parish.
- Sponsor reviews candidate’s Application for Membership Form for completeness.
- Sponsor completes Sponsor Endorsement Form.
- Sponsor and Candidates sign Affirmation Form.
- Sponsor obtains required copies of documents from candidate:
- Certificate of Baptism
- Certificate of Confirmation
- If candidate is married, a Certificate of Religious Marriage recognized by the Catholic Church
- Current Curriculum Vitae OR Resume
- Pastor Endorsement letter
- Sponsor signs both Application for Membership and Sponsor Endorsement.
- Sponsor mails the Application for Membership, copies of all Sacramental Certificates and Sponsor Endorsement to:
Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
Eastern Lieutenancy
Nominations Committee
1011 First Avenue, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10022
You may also email completed applications to:
Once the above forms and documents are received, the Lieutenancy will request:
- Endorsement from the Candidate’s Bishop
- Approvals from the
- Lieutenant
- Lieutenancy Prior
- Grand Magisterium in Rome
All required forms and documents MUST be received by our office no later than 14 March 2025, to be processed in time for the 2025 Investiture weekend.